Lavender Friends LogoPhoto of SCLH Waterfall


Sun City Lincoln Hills

The Lavender Friends Club is a group of LGBTQ individuals and those in friendship residing
in the beautiful 55+ resort-like community of Sun City Lincoln Hills in Lincoln, California 95648



Members, please check your Weekly Activities email for all event details.

Reno Train Trip


There are still openings for the train trip to Reno. See your weekly newsletter about making reservations.

See details in your weekly email.

See all Lavendar Friends Events

About Us

The Lavender Friends Club is a group of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and those in friendship who reside in beautiful Sun City Lincoln Hills, California.

Our primary goal is to create and sponsor social gatherings and events that will appeal to the broad base of our members who enjoy getting together with others and sharing quality time and their experiences. Equally important is our goal of supporting one another and offering service to our community.

We believe that strong communities begin with solid relationships and our primary purpose is to build a greater sense of community through social interaction, open communication and shared information.

Sun Senior News

February 2025

By Joan Lacktis

Lavender Friends didn’t have much in the way of outside activities in January. Like a lot of Sun City-ites, we were busy winding down from the holidays, visiting with families and kicking off 2025. Our only organized social activity was the bimonthly birthday breakfast, where we treat our birthday kids to coffee beverage as we eat and visit at Meridians. We also had our biannual business meetings — the Steering Committee and then the general membership meeting. We have gotten too large for the Multi-Purpose Room in Orchard Creek so we met in Presentation Hall. We elected officers, heard reports from the committees and made plans for the year ahead.

Part of the month also was spent planning for a trip to Reno later this February via Amtrak’s “snow train” over the Sierras. When it was first announced, more than a dozen households expressed interest. With the signups now underway, the turnout is expected to be many more than that. It’s bound to be an interesting trip.

And of course, we can’t forget that Valentine’s Day is February 14. While this holiday is usually considered a celebration for romantic partners, it is becoming more common for singles to show themselves some love with a nice dinner or a gathering with friends. However you mark the occasion, we hope you enjoy the day.

Lavender Friends is a club for LGBTQ residents and their supporters.

©2009 - 2020   Lavender Friends Club
All rights reserved.